Spring Break

The weather has broke, releasing five percent of the country to roam about the beaches of Florida. To avoid the consequences of spring breaking, I decided to stay home in Indiana. Despite the welcoming warm weather this week has brought us, I have found some other ways to keep myself, being a college student, out of trouble and still enjoying the break. Here's how...

    Day one, I grabbed some friends, some pizza, and a puzzle. This kept my brain working, my stomach full, and some laughing didn't hurt. Day two was full of organization. I cleaned my apartment, did my laundry, learned a new recipe, and constructed a tin can telephone with some ribbon from my friends closet. Day three I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House and cooked for the residents. I then decided to commute home to visit my friends and family. I have really utilized my break to regroup and prepare for the home stretch of this semester and my sophomore year. I decided to give my body a break rather than wearing it down in Florida. So what could you do as a Spring Break alternative?