Theology this
A long day today with my first theology class; in my fourth semester of grad school and the time has come. My faith perspective I arrived at early in life but as my boys were born almost 20 years ago, my faith, too, was born anew. Then my loss of my son, Sam, at sixteen, faith was not shattered, but it was a process in grasping what is most important in my own faith search beyond the unimaginable loss. Studying at a seminary for my Master’s, I’ve enjoyed the comfort of recognition that we all are broken and we can be in the same room with one another and be who we are; broken. Being in a room of theologians, especially those in study, I realize faith is not just a personal search but a mission for argument, arguing, debate. In my role as a mental health professional, my role is compassion, seeking to understand and being present where my patients are so that I might acknowledge with them their pain and suffering. There is no skin in a fight for my faith; only passion. Thanks be to God.
Our closing consideration today was 1 Corinthians 13 read aloud four times with reflection in-between readings. What a wonderful exercise in closing a day of learning God’s will for us, our will for ourselves and the most significant, salvation that Jesus represents as a person and with his works. In the second reading of 1 Corinthians 13, we were asked to circle a word as it was read that was significant to us. As we concluded and in reflection, to me it was: angels, nothing, endures, fully. Third time in reading we were asked to underline one or more words, and in reflection to me it was: “I am nothing,” “hopes all things,” “I have been fully known.”
As I saw the sunset tonight, I was able to process that “I am nothing but I hope all things to be fully known” because as “angels exist around us, nothing endures fully.” #muchlovetosam #muchpeacetoall